Saturday, July 17, 2010


The pictures that follow are from Thursday and Friday. Friday we headed out on the next phase of our Alaskan adventure. Thursday, July 15, 2010: With our host friends whom we have seemed to share a dinner out weekly this summer, we like to try a different place each week. We had a surprise to see them at the Maintenance yard this week, so we had to try out this new place had heard of Sheep Creek Lodge. The logs were standing dead timber from the spruce beetle. It had been rebuilt (after a fire) in 1986. The owners lived upstairs; 3 suits below the dining area; 4 cabins outside. It is famous for Alaskan cuisine.
Friday, July 16: Our camp set up along Squirrel Creek, about 80 miles north of Valdez. The temperature and weather can’t make up its mind…changes from cloudy to sunny and back to rain in a matter of minutes. But, that to seems to be Alaska.

Enjoying the King salmon for dinner…I was giggling from almost missing the delay shot I took of us.
These are the beautiful and plentiful weeds that I have been waiting for since we arrived in Alaska. I totally fell in love with them during our 08 visit.

. You can see how plentiful they are by this row of them along a highway pull off. The other host at Willow Creek made some jelly from fireweed flowers. It is really yummy.

Driving along the Glenn Highway on Friday, we had an awesome view of this huge glacier. From where we took the picture, the base of the glacier was probably about 10 miles away. When we came over the hill to see it, you could feel the chill in the air from the breeze that blew over the glacier…really dropped the temperature.
We are going to follow this post with the wonderful red salmon fishing that Chris did on Saturday in Valdez. So, until we "connect" again....

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