Our niece and her husband, Cassie & Kyle, from Montana made a quick trip to Indiana d/t a death in Kyle's family. They are staying with our daughter Charolette. Luckily, the weather did a bit of a thaw, so the roads were satisfactory for us to meet for a "play date". (Of course, all the kids in the area were doing the "happy dance" d/t schools being closed....all the back roads turned to a sheet of ice with the rain on the snow. Ya should see our driveway)
We met this little 8 month old chunker, Camden, for the first time. He certainly doesn't miss any meals. What a sweet natured little baby. He held out for a 36 hour train ride from Montana to Chicago. What a trooper.
Cassie and Kyle. Cassie is the daughter of my hubby's brother, Mike, who lives in Washington state.
Of course they had to get a picture of Camden with "Santa".
The wonderful family portrait...the little cutie on my lap is Kennedy....not from Montana. She's part of the "Presidential Sweet" of Indiana. Our fun visit was much too short. We barely took time to take a breath in between giggles and bouncing kids.
Here is a pic of our two whirl-wind kitties. Stephanie is such a cat person. I think everybody in the county tries to pitch extra cats near our place. The grey one was discovered here at just a few weeks of age and almost starved, the summer of 09. Then last summer a starved little white kitty emerged from the wood pile, and earned a place in the VanderHorst menagerie. Woodie came by his name naturally and Sugar is the more grey kitty. Woody is an instigator. Luckily I got this shot when he was getting ready to start harrassing Sugar. They are usually tussling and chasing each other. Loads of fun to have around.
So....until we 'connect' again.....
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