Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 24: HOME AT LAST....

This the coolest???? Chris flew by these culverts so fast, that I didn't get a chance to take a picture. And never let it be said that he would turn around and go back for me to take a picture. Sooooo... Luckily, a friend of ours, whom we met in Haines, AK took these pictures and sent them to me.

Jim Wedlake is a professional photographer. Hence his pictures are so superior to mine. Many thanks to Jim for the above. Thinking back to our 10 days in Haines....we had such fun. Jim & Mary Ann Wedlake were a part of that.
I've already told you about the horrid smoke filled journey across Canada; this was wonderfully stopped at the U.S. border. Montana was beautiful. Cattle were grazing....and hay bales seemed to be sprouting everywhere...just like they were also grazing on the rolling hills. Tee hee

North Dakota had its own beauty, too.
But, Chris kept driving east....further and further. We spent the night with our other "Alaska friends" in St. Joe, MN, Ron & Rosanne Eiynck. Spent the evening there, talking about all of our adventures in Alaska this year. (They had camped at our campground for several days during June). If the truth be known, we were so "geared up" that we talked and sipped wine until the wee hours of the morning. Something totally unlike this old couple. We didn't even have to pop the top of our camper that night...just snuggled our weary bones into their luxurious bed.

After a huge and taste breakfast at Ron & Rosanne's home, we set our Garmen to Woodridge, Illinois....and Yvonne's house.

Charlie and Dawson were ready with the hugs. We were definitely grand-kid "hug-deprived" over this past 4 months. Then, after scrubbing British Columbia layers of mud from the boat and camper, and, after Yvonne made a wonderful cooking apron for Chris. ....and, looking back, I have not taken a picture of that. OK....something for a future blog entry.

Then, onward (hey, isn't that the name of my brother's boat????) to put another fill into our "hug-o-meter" from the Presidential Sweet: Madison, Lincoln, Reagan and Kennedy. What fun. Reagan snuggled up on PaPa's lap....and, as usual, is always ready for a picture.

Madison had to put on all of her new school uniform co-ordinates and model them for us. She is so excited about getting back to school.
Kennedy is just happy to be Kennedy. It's a trick to actually get the picture before she jumps up to look at her picture on my digital camera! Lincoln never sat down long enough for me to get a pic of him. But his "summer bleached" hair sure looked cute on him.
Continuing on our eastward trek, we arrived, full circle to where our 4 month adventure began.
14,700 miles later we arrived back where it all started....home. We were so very ready to be home. More hugs from Josiah and Jozie. That filled the "hug-o-meter" full to the top.
Then the not-so-fun part began....emptying and cleaning up the camper, putting away all the "stuff" from the trip. I don't know how all of it fit inside that little camper and truck. I won't put a picture of the mess on's still growling and might "attack" me!
I'm going to post "the best of...." pictures when I have a chance to go through my many pictures from this trek.
Now for the clean up; then the dreaming of our next adventure!
Until we "connect" again....

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